Almost anyone who is missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth is candidate for dental implants. Dental implants are biocompatible cylinder-shaped prosthetic devices made of titanium which are surgically placed in the jawbone. The placement of the implants by the specialist oral surgeon or periodontist is always pre-determined and guided by our prosthodontic plan.
Following adequate healing, the implants can then be restored by a prosthesis attached to or supported by them. There is a variety of dental implant prostheses available now with the most common including: Implant-supported Crowns or Bridges: Fixed implant restorations that are either screw-retained (one piece) or cement-retained (two pieces). They can be made of ceramic or metal-ceramic materials or gold.
Implant-assisted Dentures or Partial Dentures: Conventional complete or partial dentures that are attached over or otherwise “snapped” on the implants. Both their retention and stability are significantly increased, almost acting like a fixed prosthesis in the mouth. These prostheses do not require coverage of the roof of the mouth or placement of clasps (metal bands) around the teeth and they can be removed by the patient.
Implant-supported Fixed Full-Arch Prostheses: These are fixed full-arch prostheses securely attached on multiple implants (normally 4-6 per arch). They allow the replacement of multiple teeth and often some of the missing gum tissue.
The most common designs and materials of these prostheses are: a metalacrylic design (a combination of metal framework, denture base resin and denture teeth), a metal-ceramic design (a combination of metal framework and ceramic teeth) and a zirconia-based design (full-ceramic framework and teeth).
There are certain criteria a patient must meet for each of the above different implant prostheses and designs. Based on a thorough clinical and radiographic examination, our Prosthodontist will determine the most appropriate prosthetic solution for your missing teeth.